Arrange the kitchen stuff neatly
Leisure activities in the kitchen does not depend on the size of the kitchen room or expensive equipment. Cleanliness and tidiness of the kitchen is essential for comfort in cooking or dining with the whole family.
For that, its best to arrange the storage of food, food ingredients and other cooking supplies neatly. If necessary, you can use some tips on storage in the kitchen following:
Efficient storage
First, make a drawer in your kitchen as efficient storage. Take advantage of airtight plastics for storing dry foods. Apart from being a place to put spices, drawers can also be utilized as a place to put plates, bowls, and cups.
Second, use measuring cups or cup of food as a garnish. If necessary, make a list size as a decoration in your kitchen.
In addition to utilizing airtight plastic, you can also use mason jars. Unique jar shape, you can also hang it on the bottom shelf with cabinet. Glue the lid jars on your kitchen base cabinets. If you need the contents of the jar, you just need to rotate the jar.
In addition to utilizing airtight plastic, you can also use mason jars. Unique jar shape, you can also hang it on the bottom shelf with cabinet. Glue the lid jars on your kitchen base cabinets. If you need the contents of the jar, you just need to rotate the jar.
Ornament hanger
Hang the speakers cups. In addition to decorating the kitchen, hanging cups can also be easier for you to cook.
Finally, hang your cooking gear! Create your own rack to put pot and use the bottom for hanging cooking utensils.
Make your own shelf
Finally, hang your cooking gear! Create your own rack to put pot and use the bottom for hanging cooking utensils.