Dinning room Orientation

Unknown | 8:04 PM | 0 comments

Dining room  is one of central place in a house. Besides being a place to having a meal, often a variety of planning going on in this room. Even at home a very limited extent, the interior design of this space is often transformed into a multifunctional seating space while watching tv and the children make the homework.

The interior design of the dining room is a good if that has a function in accordance with its primary purpose, which is to eat well and to support other activities. Therefore, in managing or designing the dining room, many of which need to be considered. The dining table can also be placed adjacent to the kitchen pantry set in order to facilitate the activities of food preparation.
Along with the development of functions in interior design dining room, activity table above can be optimized as a 'second family room' where family members can share stories and exchange ideas on the table, as the study of children and 'small office' for parents who need to carry their office work.
If you prefer eating activity went well, without distraction, and quality time at the dinner, you can give the interior design makes clearly separate dining room with other rooms. You can put the dining room or in a special area with space activities support, for example putting a dining room in the kitchen. If you love eating activity is thick with the feel of nature, you can put the dining room patio area overlooking the garden.

Structuring the lights in the dining room can be arranged in such a way that they can give enough lighting to illuminate the activities conducted on the dining table. Design chandelier above the dining table, the dining room can be a sweetener.
Orientation Activities Lunch
There are two types of design orientation is usually done:
1. Centralized
Dining activities with centralized orientation are all sitting around the table with body position overlooking the center of the table. The pattern of the arrangement sits centrally create an atmosphere more intimate and warm as it enables the two-way communication and good visual contact between users.
2. Linear
Ate position lined up where all the users facing the same direction. This pattern is suitable for application in a small space and to create a casual atmosphere.

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